When you are thinking about celebrating one of the best moment of your life, your amazing wedding day, your beautiful elopement or your private party or corporate event, you have to be secured about choosing the right Wedding or Events Planner Company
It’s like when you fall in love with your partner and that amazing sensation of having butterflies on the stomach appears to say yes! You are The One.
To feel tons of trust on a professional, expert and great team it’s a must considering you are traveling from other part of the world to your Top Destination and for that reason, we want you to know us about our outstanding outcomes.
Our lovely clients answer this best. Their testimonials speak louder than words and that’s our pride. We’d love to share with you some of their personal experiences.
Elisa & Jon
Thanks so much again for making our wedding the best day of our life. We loved every second of our wedding and wish we could travel back in time and do it all again!
Thank you xoxoxoxoxoxo
Elisa and Jon

Claudia & Martin
We enjoyed our wedding day a lot and everything worked out perfectly. You took care of the coordination with the supplier and that you managed everything perfectly really taking care of the bridal couple’s wishes.
We highlight your very professional service with a great sense of responsibility. and we will definitely recommend you and your team to everyone who wants to get married in Ibiza.
We were very happy with the service and we could not have wished anyone else at our side. Thank you for all your efforts, we appreciate it a lot. We hope to see you in Ibiza next year, would be very nice. All the best for you!

Claudia & Christoph
The wedding day was 10 out of 10 – this was based on several things. Manly we can say, that your “service” was much more than talking to one person or an agency, we felt like treated from a good friend. Also you managed to “read” our minds when it comes to our wedding should look like. Also we felt all the time very comfortable, as everything was well organized before and during the day which gave us the opportunity to enjoy the special day 100%
You delivered a wedding experience beyond our expectations with a great mindset overall “its more than a wedding” , full of special ideas beyond well known ordinary weddings, very good connections to other 3rd party suppliers, top organization skills and 100% reliable and good feedback culture, very empathic and warm mindset
We not only had a very good wedding planner, me made friends for life with you!

Laura & Sheila
Los servicios que nos habéis prestado han sido de diez desde el momento en que decidimos contactar contigo. Todo salió tal y como esperábamos y, sobretodo, tal y como quisimos que fuera nuestro día tan especial.
Nos gustó mucho la cantidad de facilidades que nos ofrecisteis en cada momento para poder organizar la boda y que de este modo no nos faltara ningún detalle, ya que debido a nuestro tiempo tan escaso y la distancia que nos separaba de la Isla de Ibiza en aquél momento nos impedía poder hacerlo con normalidad y exactitud si no fuera por vosotros. Sin duda, recomendamos vuestros servicios.
Ha sido un placer que forméis parte de la historia.
Un abrazo fuerte
Laura y Sheila

Giulia & Bruno
What an amazing and beautiful day! It’s all we can say.
Thank you so much for understanding our dream and make it happen to the perfection, you are an incredible wedding planner!
We were so lucky to have you on board and we cannot think about a better person to make all our wishes come true into magnificent reality.
Our elopement was beyond our expectations!

Katrin & Francisco
Solo te podemos dar las gracias por lo increíblemente increíble que fue nuestro enlace… Después de la mala experiencia que tuvimos contratando a un wedding planner que no sabia hacer bodas, tu profesionalidad y seriedad como empresa nos cautivo y nos ayudo a dar el paso final para contar con vosotros en nuestro día. Sin duda, no nos equivocamos y a la segunda fue la vencida
En 6 meses organizaste una boda alucinante, nos diste los mejores de los consejos, opciones y posibilidades sobre lo que ya nos imaginábamos que iba a ser genial pero que solo tu, supiste hacer que fuera mas allá de lo que nos habíamos imaginado haciendo que todos nuestros invitados venidos de mas de 12 países celebraran una gran fiesta memorable junto a nosotros
Mil gracias por todo, por escucharnos, por la paciencia, por darnos tranquilidad, por quitarnos stress y hacérnoslo fácil, por los mejores detalles que son los que importan y sobre todo por ser tan carismáticos, creativos y profesionales ¡Os hemos recomendado una vez y volveríamos a hacerlo todas las veces!

Lydia & Neil
The wedding day was fantastic, everyone commented on how well looked after they felt and how relaxed everything was (which is exactly what we had asked for) everything went to plan and if it didn’t, you made sure it was dealt with without us knowing about it.
The most important things we really appreciate from you was the food recommendation, the inspiration for the table decor and generally having a someone on the ground over there making things happen. Coming from a very particular bride from London, it gave me a lot of confidence that she was able to look after everything and make my vision come to life.
You deeply listened and went with my colourful theme, being patient when I changed directions from time to time and doing everything to help make it the best day of our lives.
What can we say about our stunning day? Thanks a lot

Ana & Joaquin
Se nos encaprichó casarnos en Es Vedrá ¡sin ni si quiera haberla visto en persona! y fue gracias a vosotros que ese capricho se hiciera realidad de una manera inigualable ayudándonos a nosotros y a toda la familia con los preparativos del viaje desde Sevilla a Ibiza, aconsejándonos sobre las mejores opciones para hacer nuestra ceremonia con las mejores vistas y a la mejor hora, la del atardecer, la decoración y los detalles, el lugar de la celebración al lado del mar…. Un sueño hecho realidad de la mejor manera posible, casi ni nos lo creemos de lo mágico que fue
Nuestras familias aun se emocionan recordando el increíble día que diseñasteis para nosotros y todo en cuestión de dos meses ¡Sois unos cracks! Repetiríamos nuestra boda solo por contar con vosotros. Millones de gracias por todo

Sam & Gabrielle
Ciao Amore! Our LOVE dream was a stunning REALITY. Thanks Love. Without you, everything would have been a disaster and you know why… hahaha
You come to our life to bring us light, support and make this journey a beautiful path of joy and fun and….It was over our expectations!

Isabella & Martin
Pure Joy! Like Joy Weddings 😀 That’s how we can describe our feelings and emotions on the most magnificent wedding day we’ve dreamt about.
Words can’t describe the incredible work you made for us, a total whole wedding experience of 3 days for us, our family and friends from Europe and USA
We will never forget how important was your expertise and your way of understanding the day and the concept we were looking for. Counting on you made us feel more secure and very supported as planning your wedding in a destination like Ibiza was not easy for us
Thanks to be so helpful and incredible!